Igor's Lambretta engine rebuild workshop

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Igor's Lambretta engine rebuild workshop

Post by jbcollier »

This Sunday, June 7, at 1 PM we will be having a workshop to assemble Igor's Lambretta engine. The workshop will take place at John's work place (8737- 53 Ave, back entrance). Everyone welcome.
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Post by jbcollier »

The work shop went well with only a few hang-ups -- which is pretty darn good going for a Lambretta engine. Igor has to get a smaller gearbox shim (1.8 mm) and a few circlips.

Wish I could say the same about Al's scoot. I keep finding little things that are wrong but it never quite adds up to a properly running scoot. Sometimes it runs like a charm -- it's a very strong running engine -- and then, poof, she won't run at all.

We have checked and changed all of the ignition system, gone carefully through the carb and changed the fuel tap. We found lots of little problems along the way but no big solution, yet.

Last night I worked out one last idea to try. I'll have the part today and will know this afternoon if it is a go or not. Stay tuned to this space!
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Post by jbcollier »

Yup, Al was scuppered by an NGK spark plug (B6ES). We changed the plug and it didn't make any difference BUT, we changed one NGK plug for another new one. Dropped in a Bosch plug (7998 or WR7CC+) and it fired right up.

I don't know exactly why but there is something in the local fuel that doesn't agree with the standard NGK plugs. I have had many troubles with entire engine sets of plugs all going south at the same time. The engines still sort of run which has one checking out fuel supply and ignition issues (which Al had as well) to no avail.

I have talked to NGK and they have acknowledged the problem but the only cure they could suggest was to use a higher grade NGK spark plug. Probably would work but not really the point.

So the next time you are stocking up on spark plugs, give the NGK standard plugs a miss.
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Post by Angelo »

Good news! I'm sure Al is happy that his Scooter is good to go for the rally! It's also good news that it wasn't another expensive fix!
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Post by Alvin »

I am totally out of breath (no Graham it's not from pushing my scooter) it's from holding my breath and finally exhaling. I rode the giovane signora all day yesterday. Splendido! Not one glitsch. This brings me to having to write my first ever DEAR JOHN letter. Thank you John for sharing all the time, effort, energy, perserverance, knowledge,...........
Graham for your brilliant purchase of the Honda van and coming to the rescue too many times.
Audrey Angelo Damien Igor and everyone in the club.

Cheers Al
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