Anyone know a good insurance company?

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Anyone know a good insurance company?

Post by DoesDerbiCount? »

Hey all, just wondering if anyone has any pointers for me. I got in a car accident on thursday, not a big one, no one was injured luckily. It was my fault and she agreed to leave insurance out of it. But now after she got a quote on her car, they're saying 5000 bucks for parts and labor! The problem is that it's under 1000 dollars for parts, and about 4000 for labor. I'm going with her to get a quote from someone else tomorrow, but if it ends up being too high then I'll have to go through insurance because I don't have that kind of money. The problem with that is, my premiums will sky rocket being that I'm 20, and I need a car for my job.
So I'm sending out a blanket message hoping that someone here has any pointers on this kind of thing and knows where I should go or what I should do at this point. Any advice would help, I'm stressing out! :(
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Post by Angelo »

Get at least 3 quotes and go with her on the last 2, after that If nothing changes, I'm afraid to tell you but your still probably better off paying out of pocket or else you will be dealing with the insurance hike for years...

like the story goes. You can pay it now or you can pay it later, but later may last longer...sorry dude.
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