The Lambretta Club of USA's 2012 Jamboree runs from June 28 to July 1. It will be in Colorado Springs, Colorado where Trevor resides (club member extraordinare). He has graciously offered accommodation for a reasonable number of attendees. This is not a normal scooter rally: only Lambrettas are welcome, period.
I am seriously considering the trip but it all depends on a family commitment that might be on at the same time. I should know soon.
Anyone else interested in making the trip with me?
That's too bad. But I understand the logic. It's a helluva long drive.
I will drag my butt out to the meet and greet, probably on the burgman just to be super ironic, and take a bunch of pics of any of the real cool bikes.
Later all.
Vy is it vee get too soon olt and too late schmart?
The rally has been postponed due to out of control wildfires in the area. I hope and pray that Trevor and Angelo's brother's families are safe and that their houses not in danger
Its bad. Between text, FB and phone calls its been non-stop for 2 days. They evacuated on Saturday and have not been able to get within 6 miles of their homes. My bros family finds out at 4 today if they have a home to go back to. late last night 1/2 block away from his home 10 homes lite up like candles.
I believe that Trevor is much further away from the present danger, at least I hope this is the case for him and his family. I guess since yesterday the fire increased from 6000 to 15000 hectares. High winds are expected again later today.
�Long live vintage motorcycles that are too tough to die...�