Well, it has only taken 7 months to get the last document I need; I recieved a faxed copy yesterday, the original will be here on Tuesday or Wednesday. Then it's off to Montana to pick-up my Lammy . If I'm dreaming...let me sleep a little longer, so I may enjoy the moment. My thanks to all who helped. John, you win. As promised, I will buy you lunch (though sadly not at Luzzara'a, as it has closed) at Da Cappo maybe?
The idea behind the "100 Mile Diet" is starting to look like a valid idea when thinking of buying a vintage scooter. (It's too bad our growing, and scooting season is so short here)
I woke-up this morning in southern Alberta (Taber), looked out to the driveway and it was still there I crossed the Montana border Friday afternoon with my Lambretta, after 7 long months it's finally comming home. The entire trip down to the states and back was very enjoyable (Ok I was grinning from ear to ear). With my Lambretta in tow, I stopped for gas at a small town in Montana. A couple of local guys driving a big monster truck stopped to ask about my lammy, I could tell they really liked it, and one of them said it "looked bad ass" . I love Montana
Last edited by david on Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Not too bad, I think he took pitty on me though, as he knew it was out of my control, and within 10 minutes of the paper work arriving by FedEx I was on the road to Montana; I'm not kidding. I also promised him I would buy something from his store when picking up my scoot.
Last edited by david on Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks guys. I'm thinking next Sunday, Oct. 23 to open my garage and show off my "new" scoot. All will be welcome. I will post time and location later.