Hosting cross-Canada scooterists on a 50cc Vespa this week!

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Paul S
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Hosting cross-Canada scooterists on a 50cc Vespa this week!

Post by Paul S »

Hey Gang! I just got a message from Ian Brown Sweeting (Vespa Club of Canada President). He told me there is a couple travelling cross-country on their 50cc Vespa. They will be arriving in Edmonton sometime this week. They just left Winnipeg today I believe. They are planning to ride up to Alaska. They have chosen to stop in Edmonton.

Ian was asking if I could have them contact us when they get here so we could take them out for some dinner/drinks/etc.

I also asked if they need a place to stay. He is going to ask them if they have anything set-up and will get back to me. Does anyone want to host them if they need a place?

Here is their webpage of their journey (in Italian):

The Vespa Club of Canada has translated some of their webpage on their Facebook page:

So, if we want to take them for dinner and drinks any ideas of where we should take them?
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Post by Paul S »

Update: they just entered Saskatchewan so they expect to be in Edmonton possibly tomorrow night barring any technical or weather difficulties.

So maybe tomorrow night or possibly Wednesday.

Also, their English is passable but they would probably appreciate speaking Italian.
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Post by Paul S »

For those of us with poor Italian comprehension:

Use this site and paste the website address ( ) into the URL address box: ... lator.html
Last edited by Paul S on Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Paul S »

Please spread the word to other Club members as quickly as possible. I'm not sure if everyone checks the forum daily so if we can get the word out and have people check this thread I will post information as I get it.
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Post by Paul S »

No new news yet.

Any ideas on where to take them for dinner/drinks when they get here?

Anyone willing to host them at their house if they need a place to stay? Italian speaking households most likely preferred. I don't have confirmation that they need a place to stay but I asked just in case they are looking.
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Post by Paul S »

Giorgio has contacted me through Facebook. He thinks they will be in Edmonton tomorrow night. He said he would contact me again tonight with more info.

So any ideas about where to meet them for dinner/drinks?

I still don't know if they need a place to stay yet. If they need a place does anyone want to host them for the night?
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Post by Paul S »

Ian Sweeting has been talking to Giorgio and they have been camping across Canada. They would love a place to stay in Edmonton and Raz has offered to host them at his place for the night.

I don't have an ETA yet. Raz and I will probably meet them somewhere when they come into Edmonton. I will post here once I know the time of their arrival and where we are meeting them.
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Post by jbcollier »

Not quite sure when they get into town but my place is available Thursday night. We get home very late tonight (Wednesday) as we chase the sun all day and night from Berlin home.

As to restaurant: Cibo? Though I'm not sure why you would take Italians to an Italian restaurant. Red Ox Inn or Solstice if it is a small group. Hipsters? Then perhaps the Three Boars.

If it is a big group of you then a more casual setting like the Italian Centre and they have indoor seating if it rains as forecasted. Best, of course, would be someone hosting them to a backyard BBQ.
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Post by jbcollier »

PS: more people would notice this post if you had it in scooter chit chat.
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Post by Paul S »

I am expecting them in Edmonton today (Wednesday) but I am not getting many updates as to where they are.

Raz has offered to host them for a place to stay.

I really like the backyard BBQ idea. Very casual and could it get more Canadian than that?

I will ask Raz if we could do a bbq at his place? Or does someone else want to host the bbq tonight?

I will try and find out where they are and get an ETA for their arrival.
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Post by Paul S »

I just got a message from Giogio. He thinks they will arrive in Edmonton tomorrow (Thursday). They are about 650km away (Probably around the Quill Lake area in Saskatchewan).
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Post by Paul S »

Since they arriving Thursday now one idea of what we can do with the Giorgio and Guiliana is take them to the Shaw Conference Centre Patio Party. Free food and great views of the River Valley!
Our last patio party was such a huge hit, we’ve decided to throw another one. This time we’ll be opening the exclusive Hall D patio!

Join us on July 7th from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. With awe-inspiring views, mouth-watering food served by Shaw Conference Centre chefs, cold drinks, an urban beekeeping demonstration, and live music, this is the can’t miss party of the summer!

Admission is FREE, food and drink tickets will be available for purchase on-site, and entertainment will be provided by local singer-songwriter duo Lloyd Lewis and Gary Kump. Don’t forget to invite your friends!

For more information visit
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Post by redbike »

Looking at the weather forecast for tomorrow evening, I think you should have a back up plan with a roof! Although mention is made of Hall D.
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Post by Paul S »

Raz is going to host a backyard BBQ tomorrow at 7pm. Outside if nice or inside the house if rainy.

BYOB and Potluck BBQ. I posted the details in Scooter Chit Chat.

If anyone wants to meet Giorgio and Guliana and ride with them when they get here watch the Forum and I will post when I get that info. Or you can send me your cell# or email and I will contact you with the details.
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