Mexican Jews

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Mexican Jews

Post by redbike »

Two old Jewish men, Sid and Moshe, are sitting in a Mexican restaurant in Los Angeles one day. Sid asks Moshe, 'Do you know of any people of our faith born and raised in Mexico?'

Moshe replies, 'I don't know, let' s ask our waiter.'

When the waiter arrives, Moshe asks, 'Are there any Mexican Jews?'

The waiter says, 'I don't know senor, I ask the cooks.' He returns from the kitchen after a few minutes and says, 'No senor, the cook say no Mexican Jews.'

Moshe isn't satisfied and asks, 'Are you absolutely sure?'
The waiter, realizing he is dealing with 'Gringos' replies, 'I check once again, senor!'and goes back into the kitchen.

While the waiter is away, Moshe says,
'I find it hard to believe that there are no Jews in Mexico. Our people are scattered everywhere.'

The waiter returns and says, 'Senor, the head cook say there is no Mexican Jews.'

'Are you certain?' Moshe asks again. 'I just can't believe there are no Mexican Jews!'

'SENOR, I ask EVERYONE,' replies the exasperated waiter, 'All we have is Orange Jews, Grape Jews, Prune Jews, and Tomato Jews
Johnny Redbike.

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Post by jeffthemod »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

So I got pulled over the other day, and the officer says, step out of the car sir, I have reason to believe you have been drinking.

I said "Why, do I have a fat ugly woman in the car with me?"
I was a mod before you was a mod.
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